Friday, October 22, 2010


What does it mean to you?
For me, it is a promise that have been comes out from your own mouth but never fulfill it at all. What a promise never a promise to you..
How do you feel if you received this kind of promises?
Sad, disappointed, angry, frustrated or you might be happy of it??
Sometimes, people tend to make a lots of promises easily in everything.
Love, friendship, their life, and so on...
But, have you ever think of the person who heard your promises and stick it into their heart? How do they feel?
It's hurt a lot..damn A LOT!!! Even though the person tend to accept it and telling you "that's alright!", "Nevermind!" or "Just go on with it!", but deep inside their heart, it full of pains and disappointments.

When you accept ONE PROMISE at least, you will automatically plan something on your head, isn't it? When you almost implement your so-called "PLAN", all of a sudden, you found out that the promise is empty all the time. The plan turned out to be SO MEANINGLESS and you will be speechless about it. People hates this a lots includes me...

Yup, I listen and accept a whole lots of promises but most of them are turned out to be emptied. So, most of the time, it frustrates me deeply.
I know, if you make a lots of empty promises, people will not fully trust by your words anymore. They just took your words for GRANTED..Do you want that to be happens on you? The answer would be NO, right?

Well, of course, I do makes empty promises too..Those who listen to my empty promises would feel the same as I do as if there is someone who make one to me as well.
I'm telling myself not to always make promises that I can't even fulfill. But sometimes, I just tend to do it.
So I tells myself "IF YOU WANT TO MAKE PROMISES, PLEASE MAKE IT DEEP INSIDE YOUR HEART FIRST UNTIL YOU HAVE FULFILL IT, THEN JUST TELL IT OUT TO EVERYONE." Therefore, people will never know what's ur promises are OR they don't even know whether you did make promises or not..

That's all!!!

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