Thursday, May 15, 2008

Striving my goal *Aja Aja Fighting* =D




The weather was so damn hot recently. Even on my nappy time, I'm turned out to be sweaty when i woke up. Cant stand of the heat around my house. Because of I cant stand of it, i took my shower and went jogging. Yes! The air is so dirty in the afternoon. And it's not windy. Walked 2 - 3 rounds already start sweating. After jogging, went for a drink at the market. After that, went home. Ate an orange for dinner. Counting the day now. Cant wait to weigh myself. I wanna see a good result. At least lose 4kg this month. But i think it's impossible? If not, 2kg enough. And I'm satisfied with it already. I don't know why i cant gain back my confidence in losing weight and discipline myself toward this losing weight plan. Fortunately, I lose 25kg last four years. If not, my weight might reach 100+kg. Last four years, my weight was 94kg. Now, 69kg. Give me 3 months and i will get my ideal weight. *wink*

This picture was taken on 2003 at Hot Spring, Sabah. See, how big size i am that time.. =S

Spot the difference? This picture was taken during Chinese New Year 2008 =)

This is the latest picture I've taken this month.

Think of the body i has four years back, it really scare me a lot. I don't want to be fat like before anymore. I've put a lot of efforts and gone through hard time to become what i am right now. I don't want my efforts just wasted like that just because i keep on eating and without exercising to burn the calories and FAT. AaaAaaHHhhhHhh~~~ DEPRESSION!!!!!


At work, all went smoothly. The Weather Forecast don't want me to leave so badly. Keep on asking me as if i cant get the course i want in Local Uni, what am i going to do next. She even asked the children don't let me leave. After all, i still have to leave the place. Also, this is the first time she praised me this morning. She said that I'm a good assistant teacher. LOL~ I just done my job well. I just don't wanna let people have the chance to gossip about me. After the 2 weeks holiday, i still left 3 weeks to work there. After that, I'll furthering my studies either in Local Uni or private college. Even though i cant get the course i want, i still have to leave that place. The job is rather suffering. It's so stress that will make you cry. Yet, the salary is so damn LOW. Want me to eat grass meh? ADUH~~~

Going to Damai Puri end of this month for 3 days 2 nights. Ahh~~ cant wait to have fun with my friends. Gonna release all my stress and have fun as much as i can. YEAH~ i have set lunch/buffet lunch complimentary coupon for two person that my dad won for lucky draw on Family Day last month. Me and my sis will go for it on the 2nd day. Will left my friends behind eating junk foods in the room..hehehe~ Bad me =D Or might be they joining us? We haven't plan for it yet. Have to plan an outing a week before going. Unfortunately, they did not drive. They'll take shuttle either from Holiday Inn or Riverside. Well, my sis will drive all the way up to Damai. If one of them driving, we might end up at Buntal for dinner on the first night. But now, none of them are driving. So, I don't know what we gonna have for dinner. Just let them plan for it. =)

Nothing to update anymore. Till here then..Toodle~ =)

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